Экспорт из национального архива НЛО Украины - UFOBUA
Фильтр экспорта - уникальный номер (834)
Дата экспорта: 10/01/2025

Идентификатор: 834
Область: Киевская
Дата события (Г/М/Ч): 2010-07-29
Категория: Пролет НЛО
Форма НЛО: шарообразная
Описание: My financee and I were in the courtyard of St. Michael`s Cathedral in Kiev. The skies were completely clear, the moon off to our right.Sitting on a bench in relative quiet, I first observed the rose/gold orb off to my left (west). At first, I thought it was a searchlight on a helicopter,though I`d never seen that color searchlight. I thought, well, I`m in Ukraine, and maybe this color isn`t unusual here. However, when I looked back at it some 2-3 minutes later, it had not moved. I pointed it out to my finacee, a Ukrainian, and asked her if she knew what it was ... do helicopters in Ukraine have lights that color. She said she`d never seen a searchlight on a helicopter, to the best of her knowledge, and that she didn`t know what it was. We began to watch it while talking, and it began to move to the east. It did not move in an arc. It`s motion was erratic, going one way a bit, stopping, another way, backtracking, no coherent direction to its movement. I still thought it might be a helicopter, though the movement seemed odd even for a helicopter. However, in a general sense, it was moving from our left to our right, and as it did it was growing in size. When it was about 30 degrees to our left, crazy as it sounds I got a "message" from it. It was my second day in Kiev, and the message was, essentially, "Hi, welcome .... when "I" get about 30 degrees to your right, "I" will disappear." It felt "friendly." I told my finacee that I`d just received a message from the orb, explaining what I`d heard. She smiled, with a bemused look on her face. As this orb traveled to be directly in front of us, I was astounded by its size, about a penny`s width held at arm`s length. A rock musician when I was younger, my hearing is not the sharpest. Given the time, traffic was extremely sparse, the noise from it barely audible. I asked my finacee, do you hear anything. After a few seconds, she said no. Nothing at all, I asked. She listened again. No, nothing, she said. I said, by definition, we are seeing a UFO. It`s unidentified, flying, and a rather large object. I noted, everything man-made which flies makes some noise. She agreed, and the former look of bemusement no longer was on her face. I repeated to her: It`s going to disappear when it gets "about there," pointing about 30 degrees to our right. It continued moving, and oddly, it`s size remained the same. When it flew to about 30 degrees to our right, on cue it disappeared. Never will I forget the look on my fiancee`s face. Though we were startled, both of us had a peaceful feeling. Nothing about it seemed threatening or ominous at any time. Though I`ve observed other UFOs in my life, this one was unique. It did not travel in any kind of straight line. The color, I`d never seen a UFO that color. The size, this was the largest orb I`ve ever seen, by far. And of course, the "message," and the orb disappearing just as it had promised me. I am very glad I had a witness to this event, so unusual it was.
Источник: база MUFON (Case Number 25232)